Representative Democracy and Political Participacion. Towards a European Transnational Party System, University of Padua, 5-6 May 2014
Event date: 5-6 May 2014
Venue: University of Padua, Palazzo del Bo

1989 – 2014
25th Anniversary AUSE and Jean Monnet programme
Monday 5 May, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico
9.00 | 9.30
Welcome Address
Giuseppe Zaccaria
Rector Magnificus, University of Padua
Opening Address
Marco Mascia
University of Padua, AUSE President
9.30 | 10.00
Keynote Speech
Francesca Longo
University of Catania
10.00 | 12.30
Session 1 - Approaching 2014 elections of the European Parliament
Chair: Francesco Velo, Univeristy of Pavia, AUSE Secretary General
Roland Freudenstein
Deputy Director, Head of Research, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies ‐ European People's Party
Luca Cefisi
Presidency of the Party of European Socialists
Daniel Tanahatoe
Communication adviser, Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Steve Emmott
European Green Party Committee Member, The Green - European Free Alliance
14.30 | 17.00
Session 2 - Towards a european transnational party system
Chair: Antonio Papisca, Eemritus of the University of Padua, Jean Monnet Chair ad honorem
Massimo Piermattei, University of Tuscia
The Party Transnational Dimension of European Integration: Historical Path and Studies Assessment
Daniele Pasquinucci, University of Siena
A European Phoenix? The Uniform Electoral Procedure for the Election of the EP (1952-2014)
Maria Romana Allegri, University La Sapienza, Roma
The Financing of European Political Parties: Transparency, Control and Public Accountability
Fabio Zucca, University of Insubria, Varese
Participatory Democracy and the Establishment of Transnational Parties: The Action of European Local Authorities
Raffaella Cinquanta, University of Pavia
For a Gradual Transfer of Political Power from National States to Europe: The EFM and the Political Parties (1969-1986)
Stefano Quirico, University of Piemonte Orientale
Worry about populism and defence of institutions: from the Europe of National States to the European Union
17.30 AUSE General Assembly
Tuesday 6 May, Palazzo del Bo Aula Nievo
9.00 | 11.00
Session 3 - Towards a more active european citizenship
Chair: Claudio Cressati, University of Udine
Addressed by Rodolfo Sacco, Emeritus University of Torino, AUSE Honorary Member
Oreste Calliano, University of Torino
The European Economic Citizenship
Giuliana Laschi, University of Bologna
Elecions time: Europe and Public Opinion in Historical Perspective (1979-2014)
Olga Bombardelli, University of Trento
Digital Citizenship and Education
Luca Barbaini, University of Pavia
The Intellectuals Groups of the Italian Catholic Action in a Time of Ecclesial Renewal, European Recovery and Decolonisation: From mid ’50s to Early ‘60s
11.00 | 13.00
Session 4 - Political parties and civil society organisations in the democracy transition in the southern mediterranean
Chair: Léonce Bekemans, Secretary General ECSA-World, Jean Monnet Chair ad Personam
Stefania Panebianco, University of Catania
Pietro De Perini, Department of International Politics, City University London
Find out more on Associazione Universitaria di StudiEuropei [AUSE]
EC European Commission Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency [EACEA]
Conference Secratariat: AUSE Via Martiri della Libertà, 2 - 35137 PADOVA
Contact: +393482421492
Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei
in cooperation with:
Università degli Studi di Padova - Human Rights Centre
European Community Studies Association ECSA
Funded with support from the European Commission - Lifelong Learning Programme
This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein