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Post-Graduate School of Institutions and Techniques for the Protection of Human Rights: a final exam of one of the first four students to graduate from the school. In the photo, Diego Vecchiato discusses his thesis in front of the board of examiners.
[Institutional Contents]

Three-year Specialisation School in Institutions and Techniques for the Protection of Human Rights

Starting from the A.Y. 2002/03, when the Italian University reform (established with Minsterial Decree (Decreto Ministeriale) No. 509, 3 November 1999) fully entered into force, the Specialisation ...

Last update 28 Apr 2010
A globe map with concentrical circles starting from the Veneto, above the picture the word "diritti umani" (human rights) stands for the active role of the Region of Veneto on promoting human rights and peace culture

Interventions for the promotion of human rights and a culture of peace

Programmatic tools The Triennial Programmes, approved by the Regional Council and by proposal of the Regional Government, and the Annual Plans, adopted by the Regional Government, are the two ...

Last update 11 Mar 2019
Cover of the European Committee Report for the prevention of torture in occasion of its fifth periodic visit to Italy, 14-26 September 2008
[Events and Updates]

Council of Europe anti-torture Committee publishes report on Italy

The Council of Europe's Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) has published on April 20th 2010 the report on its fifth periodic visit to ...

Last update 28 Apr 2010
Four workers laying down 4 of the 12 stars of a large representation of the flag of the Council of Europe during a celebration.
[Institutional Contents]

1st Thematic NPM Workshop on “The role of NPMs in preventing ill-treatment in psychiatric institutions”

This event is the first thematic workshop which will be organised within the framework of the so-called “European NPM Project”, financed jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Union, ...

Last update 28 Apr 2010
Disused cars piled in a junkyard, an example of environmental damage in the United States. Great Smokey Mountains, North Carolina, taken on 1 January 1975.


Before offering some conclusions regarding the future of American environmental policy and the prospects of the current administration in this field, it is first worth mentioning the significance of ...

Last update 23 Mar 2010
Panoramic photo of the building headquarters of the European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg, France.
[Events and Updates]

18 March 2010: hearing at European Parliament for the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights

On 18 of March, the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels hosted the hearing “The institutional aspects of the European Union accession to the European Convention for the Protection ...

Last update 30 Apr 2010
The United Nations Human Right Council in session.
[Events and Updates]

The activity of the Italian Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights

The Committee for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights is a network of 72 Italian non-governmental organizations, operating in the field of the promotion and protection of human rights, ...

Last update 30 Apr 2010
President of the United States Barack Obama speaks to the General Assembly of the United Nations during a debate, 2009

The Obama Administration & Copenhagen

2009: Before the Copenhagen Conference Barack Obama was inaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, an historical and highly publicized occasion for the United States. From the start of his bid ...

Last update 31 Mar 2010
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Points of the Clear Skies Act of 2003

   Cut sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions by 73 percent, from year 2000 emissions of 11 million tons to a cap of 4.5 million tons in 2010 and to a cap of 3 million tons in 2018.   Cut emissions of ...

Last update 31 Mar 2010
Former President of the United States George W. Bush with Former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan.

The Clear Skies Act of 2003 & The Bush Administration

American Withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol In the time between the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol on 11 December, 1997, and its implementation on 16 February, 2005, the Bush Administration ...

Last update 31 Mar 2010
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Departments Within the Executive and Legislative Branches and Their Responsibilities in the Sphere of Environmental Policy

The following charts present the various departments within the executive and legislative branches of the United States and their respective, and often overlapping, jurisdictions with regards ...

Last update 16 Mar 2010
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Clean Air Acts 1955-1990

Air Pollution Control Act 1955 (Public Law 84-159) Allocated $5 million in government funds annually to research the negative effects of air pollution on public health. Did little to effectively ...

Last update 31 Mar 2010
The speaker at the inauguration cerieony of the Anna Lindh Forum 2010. Among the speakers: André Azoulay, the Mayor of Barcelona Jordi Hereu and Miguel Moratinos
[Events and Updates]

4th March 2010: Barcelona, toward an Euromediterranean integration

On 4 March 2010, the ceremonies of two relevant events for the ongoing process of euromediterranean integration and cooperation took place in few hours in Barcelona: the first Anna Lindh ...

Last update 7 Oct 2010
Air pollution coming from an industrial building in New York City.

Environmental Policy of the United States of America

1955-1990: Early Development of American Environmental Policy Environmental policy in the United States began as both an offshoot of the popular conservation movement of the early 1900s, but more ...

Last update 31 Mar 2010