Copertina della Rivista Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights (2/2008)

Il dialogo interreligioso nell’agenda politica europea

Enzo Pace (2008)
Tipologia pubblicazione
Articolo / Saggio

Interreligious Dialogue in the European Political Agenda

Enzo Pace

Interreligious dialogue becomes a relevant issue of the European political agenda. The paper deals with the shift of the interreligious dialogue from the theological and ecumenical level to the processbuilding of the new plural and democratic European citizenship. It’s a consequence of the emergence of the unexpected religious pluralism that is reshaping and challenging the European Union. Two recent document – the Berlin Declaration on Interreligious Dialogue (March 2008) and the Declaration of Montserrat on Religions and the Building of Peace (April 2008) – represent a seminal attempt made by various socio-religious actors to cope with the religious complexity of the European societies.

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pace religioni Unione Europea diritti umani