Cover Pace diritti umani - Peace Human Rights, 3/2011

Linee guida per l'educazione globale. Concetti e metodologie sull'educazione globale per educatori e responsabili politici

Documentazione (2011)
Tipologia pubblicazione

Global Education Guidelines.
A Handbook for Educators to Understand and Implement Global Education

It is a very useful pedagogical instrument prepared by experts of the North-South Centre network «Global Education Week» to help educators to understand and implement global education. Its content was set up taking into account in-field practices and references and cultural, geographic, social and economic realities. The assumption is that educational processes in formal and non-formal settings should open the path to a better understanding of an increasingly globalised world.

The Guidelines are articulated into five chapters, devoted to: elucidate what global education is (as a transformative learning process); answer the question as to why global education; provide concepts; elucidate the fundamentals for global education methodology, bibliography and learning and educational resources. Global education is defined as a process that opens people's eyes to the realities of the globalised world, and that encompasses the different tracks regarding development education, human rights education, education for sustainability, peace and conflict prevention education, intercultural education, education for citizenship. Without dropping these specificities the global education aims at integrating them into a more comprehensive, holistic approach.

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