Human Rights Centre: Attività

Poster of the Campaign "Dosta! Fight against prejudices toward Roma people",promoted by the Council of Europe
© CoE

Protecting the fundamental rights of Roma and Sinti according to the European standards, Venice, 13-14 October 2011

The Council of Europe and the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua have organised a Training Course for the Italian Lawyers committed to the protection of Roma and Sinti's human rights.
Workshop "Civil Society participation in Intercultural dialogue". Thematic Network Activities: Intercultural dialogue & Multi-level Governance, Padua, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo, 9 -10 May 2011
intercultural dialogue

Workshop "Civil Society participation in Intercultural dialogue", Padua, 9 -10 May 2011

Thematic Network Activities: Intercultural dialogue & Multi-level Governance
Workshop Education to intercultural dialogue. Thematic Network Activities: Intercultural dialogue & Multi-level Governance. Padua, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico/Aula Nievo, 22-23 March 2011
intercultural dialogue

Workshop "Education to Intercultural Dialogue", Padua, 22-23 March 2011

Thematic Network Activities: Intercultural dialogue & Multi-level Governance
Council of Europe, logo
Council of Europe

Project description