Setting up an active network of independent non-judicial human rights structures. Peer-to-Peer Project & Peer-to-Peer Project II. Programma congiunto Unione Europea – Consiglio d'Europa (2008-2010)
Data evento: 2008-2010
Luogo: Università di Padova

Incontri promossi dal 2008 al 2010
Le informazioni e i materiali degli incontri realizzati nell'ambito del Progetto sono disponibili nella versione inglese del sito. Accedendo alla pagina degli incontri del progetto si abbandona la versione italiana del sito.
Workshop Padua 1/2008 (9-10 April 2008):
Rights of persons deprived of their liberty : The role of national human rights structures which are OPCAT mechanisms and of those which are not
Workshop St. Petersburg 1/2008 (20-21 May 2008) :
Complaints againts the police* - their handling by the national human rights structures
*The term police is meant to comprise all forces tasked with peace time policing, excluding intelligence services
Workshop Padua 2/2008 (18-19 June 2008)
Protecting the human rights of irregular migrants: the role of national human rights structures
Round Table of Russian Ombudsmen St. Petersburg 2/2008 (2-3 July 2008)
The protection and promotion by national human rights structures of the right to good administration
Judging the performance of national human rights structures and deciding on the means made available to them: How preserve the respect of their independence ?
Workshop St. Petersburg 3/2008 (1-2 October 2008)
The protection and promotion by national human rights structures of the rights of physically and mentally disabled persons
Workshop Padua 3/2008 (22-23 October 2008)
The promotion and protection by national human rights structures of freedom of expression and information
Annual meeting of Contact Persons Strasbourg 1/2008 (19-20 November 2008)
The protection and promotion by national human rights structures of the human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trangender persons
The role of national human rights structures in the defence of human rights defenders
Workshop Budapest 1/2008 (2-3 December 2008)
The role of national human rights structures in promoting and protecting the rights of persons with disabilities
Workshop Budapest 1/2009 (24-25 February 2009)
The protection of the rights of Roma people by national human rights structures
Workshop Padua 1/2009 (24-26 March 2009)
The role of national human rights structures in case of non execution of domestic judgments
Workshop Padua 2/2009 (9-11 June 2009)
The role of national human rights structures as regards counter-terrorist measures
Round Table of Russian ombudsmen, St. Petersberg (Russian Federation), 2-4 September 2009
The role of the ombudsman in the defence of social rights in times of economic crisis
Workshop Budapest 2/2009 (15-16 September 2009)
The protection and promotion by national human rights structures of the rights of the elderly
Workshop Padua 3/2009 (20-22 October 2009)
The protection of separated / unaccompanied minors by national human rights structures (including children's ombudsmen)
Annual meeting of Contact Persons Budapest 3/2009 (17-18 Novembre 2009)
Seminario di formazione del Consiglio d'Europa per difensori civici europei sul tema della lotta alla tratta degli esseri umani Padova, 16-17 giugno 2010