Workshop Multi-level Governance of Intercultural dialogue, Università di Padova, 23-24 Marzo 2010
Data evento: 23-24 Marzo 2010
Luogo: Università di Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Archivio Antico

Launching Thematic Network Activities: Intercultural dialogue & Multi-level governance
Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca e servizi sui diritti della persona e dei popoli - Università degli Studi di Padova
Centro d'Eccellenza Europeo Jean Monnet “Dialogo interculturale, diritti umani e multilevel governance”
Tuesday 23 rd March
Solemn Session
Welcome Addresses
Giusepp e Zaccaria, Magnifico Rettore, University of Padua
Marco Mascia, Jean Monnet Chair, Director, Interdepartmental Centre on Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples, University of Padua
Marialuisa Coppola , International Relations and Human Rights Counsellor, Region of Veneto
Léonce Bekema ns, Jean Monnet Chair, Academic coordinator, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Padua
Chaired and introduced by Antonio Pap isca, Jean Monnet Chair ad honorem, University of Padua
Local governance of intercultural dialogue: prospects for 2020
Jean Monnet Public Lecture by Luc Van den Brande, former President Committee of the Regions of the EU
An experienced testimony of European Groupings of Territorial Cooperation (EGTCs)
Paul Breyne, Governor of West Flanders, Belgium
Intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean area
Joseph Mifsud, President of the Euro-Mediterranean University (EMUNI)
The future of European societies between modernity and post-modernity
Dario Velo, Jean Monnet Professor, Chairman of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Pavia
Handing over of Jean Monnet certificates to students of the Jean Monnet Course “Globalisation and Inclusiveness in the EU”
Tuesday 23 rd March
Session I - Premises for governance of intercultural dialogue
Chaired and introduced by Léonce Bekemans
Cultural and value roots for intercultural dialogue
Peter Xuereb, Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law and European Integration, Chairman of the Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, University of Malta
Legal and institutional aspects of governance: cultural and value roots
Antonio Pap isca
Euro-Mediterranean educational space for universal values
Joseph Mifsud
Human rights and interreligious dialogue
Enzo Pace, Chair of Three Religions, Director, Department of Sociology, University of Padua
16.00/16.30 Break
Session II - Governance of intercultural dialogue
Chaired and introduced by Luc Van den Brande
(Multi-) Governance in regional perspective
Frank Delma rtino, Professor Emeritus, University of Leuven
Local governance of intercultural dialogue
Maria Karasinska-Fendler, Research Director, European Institute in Lodz
Civil society participation in intercultural dialogue
Manuel Manonell es, Director of the Office of Barcelona Culture of Peace Foundation
Education to intercultural dialogue
Enrique Banús, Jean Monnet Professor ad personam, International University Catalunya, Barcelona, ECSA World President
Wednesday 24 th March
Session III - Territorial cooperation and EGTC practices
Chaired and introduced by Antonio Pap isca
White Paper on multi-level governance: ateliers and assessment
Hendrik Theunissen, Committee of the Regions, Studies Unit for the monitoring of Cross-Sector Priorities, Brussels
Territorial social responsibility: overview and assessment of good experiences
Luigi Martignetti, Secretary General, European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy (REVES), Brussels
Territorial cooperation: overview and assessment of EGTCs
Hannes Scha ffer, Executive Manager Mecca Consulting, Vienna
Setting up the Euroregion Adriatica
Diego Vecchiato, Director, Department of International Relations and Human Rights, Region of Veneto
Conclusions by Léonce Bekemans