In Focus

Farmers work the rice fields in Palung, Nepal

Land tenure and agrofuels

One of the first obstacles to the enjoyment of the right to lands, territories and natural resources is the uncertainty...

Created on: 21/10/2011 - Last Update: 21/10/2011
A Kirghiz family at the foot of the Kongur mountains in Xinjiang, China.

The effects of the production and the use of agrofuels on human rights: the indigenous peoples' right to land and...

Evictions, expropriations and displacements justified by official discourses on the necessities of development implemented by unlawful and often violent means...

Created on: 21/10/2011 - Last Update: 21/10/2011
Arid land

The effects of the production and the use of agrofuels on human rights: the right to water

The entire production cycle of agrofuels, from sowing to processing, requires a great amount of water: both for irrigation of...

Created on: 19/10/2011 - Last Update: 19/10/2011
A woman resident of the Kibati camp of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) carries a bag of food ration distributed by the World Food Programme in collaboration with the non-governmental organization, CARITAS.

The effects of the production and the use of agrofuels on human rights: the right to food

The increasing demand for agrofuels at the global level determined a growing pressure on land. Due to this increased pressure,...

Created on: 19/10/2011 - Last Update: 19/10/2011
The sun shines in a blue sky surrounded by white clouds; at the bottom, the silhouette of some trees with red leaves.

Defining sustainability

The first definition commnly accepted of sustainability was given in 1987 by the Brundtland Report. Then the concept developed and...

Created on: 12/10/2011 - Last Update: 12/10/2011
A woman seats on the ground of a bare land with her hands turned towards the observer

The weaknesses of the sustainability criteria in the RED

The Renewable Energy Directive, adopted in 2009 by the EU, establishes sustainability standards for agrofuels both produced within the EU...

Created on: 12/10/2011 - Last Update: 12/10/2011
A farmer gathers wheat in Bamyan, Afghanistan

Sustainability criteria in the RED: decision-making process and final outcome

The RED fixes sustainability criteria conceived as limits or conditions under which the agrofuels consumed in the EU can be...

Created on: 12/10/2011 - Last Update: 12/10/2011
Twelve children, who placed the twelve stars on a giant flag spread out on the lawn of the Palace of Europe, 2005

The EU’s role in promoting the production and the use of agrofuels: the 2009 Renewable Energy Directive

The Renewable Energy Directive (RED) adopted on April 2009 by the European Parliament and the Council opens a new scenario...

Created on: 12/10/2011 - Last Update: 12/10/2011
In a clearing in the Myinbyin Forest Range, Central Burma, FAO expert J.L. Briggs (right), of Australia, supervises the work as a tractor winches up logs of teak wood and hauls them away to the dispatch point.

The production of agrofuels: the impact on the environment

The agricultural practices linked to the agrofuels production raises some concerns related to the environmental protection, in particular as to:...

Created on: 12/10/2011 - Last Update: 12/10/2011
Woman cutting grass to feed cattle in Lamaku, eastern Nepal

The worldwide production of agrofuels

During the last years, the demand of agrofuels has grown exponentially. Their production and use has increased thanks to the...

Created on: 29/09/2011 - Last Update: 25/10/2011
American interns Kathleen Kruckenberg (on the left) and Talin Galoosian (on the right)

U.S. Platforms on International Treaties Legal Instruments (2009)

During their internship at the Human Rights Centre of the University of Padua, Talin Galoosian (University of California San Diego)...

Created on: 08/07/2010 - Last Update: 8/7/2010

The Evolution, Status and Future Position of American Environmental Policy: environmental action at the domestic level and in the context...

While studying abroad at the University of Padua for the 2009-2010 academic year, Ryan Johnson (University of California San Diego)...

Created on: 08/07/2010 - Last Update: 8/7/2010
logo UniPD

USA: Main University Research Centres for Peace and Human Rights (2007)

This is a short guide to the main university research centres, public and private, which are active in the United...

Created on: 08/07/2010 - Last Update: 8/7/2010
Disused cars piled in a junkyard, an example of environmental damage in the United States. Great Smokey Mountains, North Carolina, taken on 1 January 1975.


This conclusion makes a final evaluation of current American environmental policy and its progression, above all ideologically, with the change...

Created on: 15/03/2010 - Last Update: 15/3/2010
President of the United States Barack Obama speaks to the General Assembly of the United Nations during a debate, 2009

The Obama Administration & Copenhagen

This section focuses on the environmental policy of the Obama Administration, evaluates Obama's efforts at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference...

Created on: 10/03/2010 - Last Update: 10/3/2010